The Madras Regiment - Homepage

2007 - 3 Madras Raising Day
3rd Battalion - The Madras Regiment
(4 pages of photographs)
(1756-2022, A Historical Website)

Photo Link to

1st Battalion
2nd Battalion
3rd Battalion
4th Battalion
5th Battalion
6th Battalion
7th Battalion
8th Battalion
9th Battalion 
10th Battalion
11th Battalion
12th Battalion
16th Battalion
17th Battalion
18th Battalion
19th Battalion
20th Battalion
21st Battalion
25th Battalion
 26th Battalion 
27th Battalion
28th Battalion
110th Infantry Battalion T.A.
122th Infantry Battalion T.A.
8th  R.R. Madras
25th R.R. Madras
38th R.R. Madras
54th R.R. Madras
16th Cavalry Madras
Indian Naval Ship MYSORE
Madras Regimental Centre
History of The Madras Regiment
 First World War
Second World War
Locations of battalions
Kashmir 1947 - 1948
UN Peace Keeping CONGO - 1962-65
Indo Pak WAR 1965
Indo Pak WAR 1971
Indo Pak WAR 1999 (Kargil)
Colonels of the Regiment
Battle and Theatre Honours
Colour presentation 1970
Regimental Insignia

[ Page 1 ]   [ Page 2  ]   [ Page 3  ]   [ Page 4  ]

 Click on Image for a larger view

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

1885 - Soldiers of 19th Madras infantry 1885
(Now 3 Madras)S



Memorial Wreath Laying-
45th Raising Day - 2007

Saddle Bar - 45th Raising Day - 2007



3 Madras Bn Inspection
45th R.D. - 2007


3 Madras -Badakhana
45th Raising Day - 2007



























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